Thursday, 25 April 2013

Intermittent Fasting - stabilising your weight - for bodybuilders mainly

I've now been sitting on 76kg(12 stone) for about 2 months now. I feel I've gained more muscle with no gain in fat.

I'm now in my skinny jeans! 32". 

I weighed myself today, having avoided the scale for around 3 weeks. I had mixed feelings about what I might find really. 

I felt I'd been eating a bit more than in my earlier weeks. Ice cream about 3 times a week, the odd chocolate and generally a small increase in snacking. 

Also I'd dropped my cycling as well. I felt it was causing me to tip into over-training. I was not getting my second run in for the week.

I'd made a few changes to my weight training day. Two big changes really. 

The first one was to put in some running on the treadmill for 25 minutes. The last 6 minutes were going at high level speeds on the treadmill. When weather permitted, I'd go out onto the running track and bang out to 150m sprints at the end of my treadmill run.

The second change I made was to 'fast' on my training day...

According to the readout on my treadmill at the gym, my run burned 200cal. 

So if I assume a full hour of weights burns around 400cal that is 600cal. 

The overall affect is burning fat through my fasting day, resting state, then a further burning of 600cal through the training. So its seems like a double dose of fat burning.

I would imagine that this has greatly contributed to allowing me to eat a bit more, yet still burn bodyfat and gain muscle from my training.

As I introduced two changes its hard to pinpoint whether the combination or the fasting alone has changed my energy levels while training.

All I can say is my energy levels while training are utterly amazing!! I'm like a machine! I don't eat at all for the day before training. Training usually starts around 13.00. 

I allow myself a pepsi max while training for a bit of a zero cal caffeine boost. Not the best energy drink but it really works for me.

As a result of learning about natural hunger through the fasting, I try my best to feel whether I need more fuel or its just indulging. So far it seems I need the extra fuel. 

Its really nice to know that I can eat a bit more and get away with it. In the past when I trained and needed more fuel I just increased in weight. But now it looks like its just an increase in muscle not fat! Bodybuilding heaven!